The Right Strategy To Crack Class 6 Science Exam

The fondness for Science is quite subjective in nature.  On one hand, it is very captivating to the curious, and on the other, it can turn out to be nothing less than baffling for a layman. However, the reality is that as we indulge in fundamental chores daily, we are surrounded by a variety of technical innovations. In fact, in today’s world of digitalization, even young children are well-versed with tech gadgets like smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, and more, even before they are academically introduced to this complex field. 

Science as a subject in school plays a crucial role in building a foundation at a young age and opens doors for a plethora of ideas for your little genius! It is a subject that parents push their little ones to indulge in, starting as early as in 6th standard. After all, not only does this subject force a child to think but also opens various academic and career choices in the long run.

On top of that, performing well in science can really boost up your technical acumen and problem-solving abilities, which also help them in achieving top scores in the subject. As your wish, to get a strong grip on this practical course and thereby achieve a high score, a child needs to follow the right strategy. As such, here’s a tried and tested strategy to crack the 6 Science exams that will help your little one achieve excellent grades! 

1. Develop a study routine 

The initial step of any preparation includes making a plan of action. 6th standard science comprises three core fields – biology, chemistry, and physics. You can target your strengths and weaknesses in each of these sub-categories and chalk out what needs more practice. Setting a priority and religiously devoting time can do wonders in elevating your GPA. 

2. Listen actively in the classroom

Your classroom is the place where you can discuss topics, and exchange your interpretations about the subject, and the various topics and concepts it covers. As it happens, some concepts in science, even in class 6th can be quite tricky to understand and require you to retain a lot of information. However, you need not fret, as this process can be made easy by carefully paying attention to what is being taught by your teacher, and asking questions wherever necessary. This will not only boost your focus but would also increase your retention span. 

3. Highlight important information 

While preparing for exams, students must focus on key points and colour-code them for their ease. Use multiple coloured markers to highlight important points from the in-depth chapters. This will help you recall important points effortlessly when you will sit down to revise. 

4. Take notes for later reference 

The mark of a good student is that he/she makes notes, wherever relevant, for their own understanding. A classroom lecture may last for one hour but the notes shall stay with you outside the classroom walls. Notes can be handy and a good resource for revising your lessons. They can be short or long, diagrammatic or detailed, depending upon your pattern of studying. Notes can include important information like formulae, biological diagrams, chemical properties and reactions, and various physical laws, depending upon the chapter you’re on. You can review these notes on a frequent basis in order to avoid last-minute cramming. One can make use of online note-making apps. This habit will help you in the long run! 

5. Relating the theoretical knowledge with practical life 

Science is no fun without laboratory experiments. Topics like separation of substances, which is a part of the class 6 science curriculum, are best understood when a student has witnessed the chemical reactions happening with their own eyes. Be it learning about the living organisms, functions of plants, and other such topics, practical lab work can never be understated. Physics experiments share equal importance when it comes to aiding the learning process. Be it electricity and circuits, functions of magnets, or more, these are best demonstrated with some practical examples from daily life. 

6. Learn the technical jargon with ease 

There are a few strategies to help you learn those tongue-twisting biology nomenclature. A good practice can be to make use of flashcards or connect the word to something relatable which makes it easy to recall. For instance, you can use mnemonics to remember the processes that define living things: 

MRS GREN: Movement; Respiration; Sensation; Growth; Reproduction; Excretion; Nutrition. 

In this way, you can build up your scientific vocabulary while having fun! 

7. Subscribe to science tutorials on YouTube 

The Internet generation has a vast space online to explore all digital resources available. The resources are available in the form of e-books, video tutorials, practice questions, and recorded lectures. There are plenty of YouTube channels out there that will provide you with a walk-through for all your textbook questions. These video lessons are incredibly fun and easy to understand. You can watch them multiple times and at your own pace from anywhere in the world. 

8. Practice plenty of problem sets 

 The more one practices questions before an exam, the easier they will find taking the final exam. While doing Social Studies Sample Papers For Class 6 CBSE, you will encounter various types of questions with ranging difficulties. This will eventually help you improve your scores. 

9. Have a peaceful study environment 

Studying in a quiet place can really enhance your learning experience. In order to achieve full concentration levels, you should always choose a room devoid of any distractions like phones or loud noises. Also, indulge in a healthy diet, and keep yourself thoroughly hydrated. 

For achieving your best scores in this subject, it is recommended that you follow the right material and take help from the experts or mentors. Science might seem puzzling in the beginning, however, it truly transforms into a sea of opportunities if studied with the utmost will and interest. With practice and good learning techniques, that could help you in cracking class 6th science exam effeciently

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